"Nothing in a portrait is a matter of indifference. Gesture, grimace, clothing, decor even – all must combine to realize a character," declared Charles Baudelaire. Inspired by this philosophy is Portuguese artist, Tatiana Abrantes whose expressionistic, figurative oeuvre reflects an intense artistic engagement with her subject matter. By translating the portrait into a powerful visual language, her gestural compositions reflect the influence of Rembrandt, revealing mood-evocative, psychological characters that are imbued with a probing visceral message. Dramatic chiaroscuro coupled with a dark-toned, somber palette, enhance the inner voice and spirit of her compositions.
With a visceral iconography which builds a bridge into the vortex of the heart, Tatiana Abrantes' subjects impart visual cues into the vortex of the human soul. By blending a distinct expressionist style, her oeuvre draws on the energy and movement of the human heart while retaining the essence and action of creation. Wistfulness, vulnerability, and strength form the matrix into their inner character as her powerful paintings offer a tantalizing, fresh visual syntax into the deep heart's core. Infused with expressionist elements, Ms. Abrantes brings her subjects to life as she captures an intimate vision of the human soul. Bold and expressive, her hauntingly figurative compositions are provocatively rendered with a powerful emotional poignancy
By integrating visual vocabularies with permeated color and light, her subjects explore life’s journey and emotively capture the innate complexities of the human condition. Building a bridge into the vortex of the heart, her paintings impart visual cues into the human soul. Ms. Abrantes immerses herself in a visual mantra of introspective meditation.
Complex and sophisticated, Tatiana Abrantes' hypnotic paintings challenge viewers to go beyond the physical self to the realm of the spirit as her oeuvre is a conduit which draws the viewer into a new relationship with their own life force and with the vast power of the human will. Beguilingly bold, with dazzling explosions of vitality, Ms. Abrantes mesmerizes viewers as her works unfold the swirling inner workings of the human heart, Ms. Abrantes' art has been exhibited in the US, UK, and her native Portugal. Amsterdam Whitney Gallery is proud to shine the spotlight on this up and coming star.